Conditional Generative Models are Sufficient to Sample from Any Causal Effect Estimand


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Causal inference from observational data has recently found many applications in machine learning. While sound and complete algorithms exist to compute causal effects, many of these algorithms require explicit access to conditional likelihoods over the observational distribution, which is difficult to estimate in the high-dimensional regime, such as with images. To alleviate this issue, researchers have approached the problem by simulating causal relations with neural models and obtained impressive results. However, none of these existing approaches can be applied to generic scenarios such as causal graphs on image data with latent confounders, or obtain conditional interventional samples. In this paper, we show that any identifiable causal effect given an arbitrary causal graph can be computed through push-forward computations of conditional generative models. Based on this result, we devise a diffusion-based approach to sample from any (conditional) interventional distribution on image data. To showcase our algorithm's performance, we conduct experiments on a Colored MNIST dataset having both the treatment (X) and the target variables (Y) as images and obtain interventional samples from P(y|do(x)). As an application of our algorithm, we evaluate two large conditional generative models that are pre-trained on the CelebA dataset by analyzing the strength of spurious correlations and the level of disentanglement they achieve.
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