Representations of the su(1,1) current algebra and probabilistic perspectives


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We construct three representations of the su(1,1) current algebra: in extended Fock space, with Gamma random measures, and with negative binomial (Pascal) point processes. For the second and third representations, the lowering and neutral operators are generators of measure-valued branching processes (Dawson-Watanabe superprocesses) and spatial birth-death processes. The vacuum is the constant function 1 and iterated application of raising operators yields Laguerre and Meixner polynomials. In addition, we prove a Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula and give an explicit formula for the action of unitaries exp( k^+(ξ) - k^-(ξ))exp(2 i k^0(θ)) on exponential vectors. We explain how the representations fit in with a general scheme proposed by Araki and with representations of the SL(2,ℝ) current group with Vershik, Gelfand and Graev's multiplicative measure.
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