The Unprecedented Extreme Anticyclonic Anomaly over Northeast Asia in July 2021 and Its Climatic Impacts

Advances in Atmospheric Sciences(2024)

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This study investigates the evolution of an extreme anomalous anticyclone (AA) event over Northeast Asia, which was one of the dominant circulation systems responsible for the catastrophic extreme precipitation event in July 2021 in Henan, and further explores the significant impact of this AA on surface temperatures beneath it. The results indicate that this AA event over Northeast Asia was unprecedented in terms of intensity and duration. The AA was very persistent and extremely strong for 10 consecutive days from 13 to 22 July 2021. This long-lived and unprecedented AA led to the persistence of warmer surface temperatures beyond the temporal span of the pronounced 500-hPa anticyclonic signature as the surface air temperatures over land in Northeast Asia remained extremely warm through 29 July 2021. Moreover, the sea surface temperatures in the Sea of Japan/East Sea were extremely high for 30 consecutive days from 13 July to 11 August 2021, persisting well after the weakening or departure of this AA. These results emphasize the extreme nature of this AA over Northeast Asia in July 2021 and its role in multiple extreme climate events, even over remote regions. Furthermore, possible reasons for this long-lasting AA are explored, and it is suggested to be a byproduct of a teleconnection pattern over extratropical Eurasia during the first half of its life cycle, and of the Pacific–Japan teleconnection pattern during the latter half.
anomalous anticyclone,Northeast Asia,surface air temperatures,sea surface temperatures
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