Adaptive Hypergraph Network for Trust Prediction


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Trust plays an essential role in an individual's decision-making. Traditional trust prediction models rely on pairwise correlations to infer potential relationships between users. However, in the real world, interactions between users are usually complicated rather than pairwise only. Hypergraphs offer a flexible approach to modeling these complex high-order correlations (not just pairwise connections), since hypergraphs can leverage hyperedeges to link more than two nodes. However, most hypergraph-based methods are generic and cannot be well applied to the trust prediction task. In this paper, we propose an Adaptive Hypergraph Network for Trust Prediction (AHNTP), a novel approach that improves trust prediction accuracy by using higher-order correlations. AHNTP utilizes Motif-based PageRank to capture high-order social influence information. In addition, it constructs hypergroups from both node-level and structure-level attributes to incorporate complex correlation information. Furthermore, AHNTP leverages adaptive hypergraph Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) layers and multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) to generate comprehensive user embeddings, facilitating trust relationship prediction. To enhance model generalization and robustness, we introduce a novel supervised contrastive learning loss for optimization. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our model over the state-of-the-art approaches in terms of trust prediction accuracy. The source code of this work can be accessed via
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