Editorial: Learning With Fewer Labels in Computer Vision.

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence(2024)

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Undoubtedly, Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), from AlexNet to ResNet to Transformer, have sparked revolutionary advancements in diverse computer vision tasks. The scale of DNNs has grown exponentially due to the rapid development of computational resources. Despite the tremendous success, DNNs typically depend on massive amounts of training data (especially the recent various foundation models) to achieve high performance and are brittle in that their performance can degrade severely with small changes in their operating environment. Generally, collecting massive-scale training datasets is costly or even infeasible, as for certain fields, only very limited or no examples at all can be gathered. Nevertheless, collecting, labeling, and vetting massive amounts of practical training data is certainly difficult and expensive, as it requires the painstaking efforts of experienced human annotators or experts, and in many cases, prohibitively costly or impossible due to some reason, such as privacy, safety or ethic issues.
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