The Influence of Operating Conditions on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Die 4Kh4N5M4F2 Steel

K. O. Gogaev,O. M. Sydorchuk,O. M. Myslyvchenko, Y. I. Yevych, Ye. Hongguang

Materials Science(2023)

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The structure and mechanical properties of 4Kh4N5M4F2 steel in thermodeformed and cast states after quenching and tempering, and additional heating are investigated. After additional heating of hardened and tempered 4Kh4N5M4F2 steel, which models the operating conditions of the equipment (operating temperature during quasi-stationary exposure), at 630–650°C steel softens, which is associated with the formation of Me 7 C 3 carbides. Such carbide phase in the metal structure of the cast steel under mentioned conditions is absent and is accompanied by the increase in its heat resistance. The expansion of the operating temperature range of cast 4Kh4N5M4F2 steel after the optimal mode of hardening and tempering allows using a tool made of this steel up to the operating temperature of 650°C. It is recommended not to use such steel in the cast and thermodeformed states for the manufacture of tools for hot deformation of non-ferrous metals and alloys, which operate under cyclic impact loading.
die steel,thermodeformation and heat treatments,phase composition,crystal structure,mechanical properties
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