Multiple-Crop Human Mesh Recovery with Contrastive Learning and Camera Consistency in A Single Image

Yongwei Nie, Changzhen Liu,Chengjiang Long,Qing Zhang,Guiqing Li, Hongmin Cai


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We tackle the problem of single-image Human Mesh Recovery (HMR). Previous approaches are mostly based on a single crop. In this paper, we shift the single-crop HMR to a novel multiple-crop HMR paradigm. Cropping a human from image multiple times by shifting and scaling the original bounding box is feasible in practice, easy to implement, and incurs neglectable cost, but immediately enriches available visual details. With multiple crops as input, we manage to leverage the relation among these crops to extract discriminative features and reduce camera ambiguity. Specifically, (1) we incorporate a contrastive learning scheme to enhance the similarity between features extracted from crops of the same human. (2) We also propose a crop-aware fusion scheme to fuse the features of multiple crops for regressing the target mesh. (3) We compute local cameras for all the input crops and build a camera-consistency loss between the local cameras, which reward us with less ambiguous cameras. Based on the above innovations, our proposed method outperforms previous approaches as demonstrated by the extensive experiments.
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