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Neural Scaling Laws on Graphs


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Deep graph models (e.g., graph neural networks and graph transformers) have become important techniques for leveraging knowledge across various types of graphs. Yet, the scaling properties of deep graph models have not been systematically investigated, casting doubt on the feasibility of achieving large graph models through enlarging the model and dataset sizes. In this work, we delve into neural scaling laws on graphs from both model and data perspectives. We first verify the validity of such laws on graphs, establishing formulations to describe the scaling behaviors. For model scaling, we investigate the phenomenon of scaling law collapse and identify overfitting as the potential reason. Moreover, we reveal that the model depth of deep graph models can impact the model scaling behaviors, which differ from observations in other domains such as CV and NLP. For data scaling, we suggest that the number of graphs can not effectively metric the graph data volume in scaling law since the sizes of different graphs are highly irregular. Instead, we reform the data scaling law with the number of edges as the metric to address the irregular graph sizes. We further demonstrate the reformed law offers a unified view of the data scaling behaviors for various fundamental graph tasks including node classification, link prediction, and graph classification. This work provides valuable insights into neural scaling laws on graphs, which can serve as an essential step toward large graph models.
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