Efficient perchlorate reduction in microaerobic environment facilitated by partner methane oxidizers.

Pan-Long Lv, Chuan Jia, Chi-Hang Wei,He-Ping Zhao,Rong Chen

Journal of hazardous materials(2024)

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The conventional perchlorate (ClO4-) reduction typically necessitates anaerobic conditions. However, in this study, we observed efficient ClO4- reduction using CH4 as the electron donor in a microaerobic environment. The maximum ClO4- removal flux of 2.18 g/m2·d was achieved in CH4-based biofilm. The kinetics of ClO4- reduction showed significant differences, with trace oxygen increasing the reduction rate of ClO4-, whereas oxygen levels exceeding 2 mg/L decelerated the ClO4- reduction. In the absence of exogenous oxygen, anaerobic methanotrophic (ANME) archaea contribute more than 80% electrons through the reverse methanogenesis pathway for ClO4- reduction. Simultaneously, microorganisms activate CH4 by utilizing oxygen generated from chlorite (ClO2-) disproportionation. In the presence of exogenous oxygen, methane oxidizers predominantly consume oxygen to drive the aerobic oxidation of methane. It is indicated that methane oxidizers and perchlorate reducing bacteria can form aggregates to resist external oxygen shocks and achieve efficient ClO4- reduction under microaerobic condition. These findings provide new insights into biological CH4 mitigation and ClO4- removal in hypoxic environment.
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