TrustAgent: Towards Safe and Trustworthy LLM-based Agents through Agent Constitution


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The emergence of LLM-based agents has garnered considerable attention, yet their trustworthiness remains an under-explored area. As agents can directly interact with the physical environment, their reliability and safety is critical. This paper presents an Agent-Constitution-based agent framework, TrustAgent, an initial investigation into improving the safety dimension of trustworthiness in LLM-based agents. This framework consists of threefold strategies: pre-planning strategy which injects safety knowledge to the model prior to plan generation, in-planning strategy which bolsters safety during plan generation, and post-planning strategy which ensures safety by post-planning inspection. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate how these approaches can effectively elevate an LLM agent's safety by identifying and preventing potential dangers. Furthermore, we explore the intricate relationships between safety and helpfulness, and between the model's reasoning ability and its efficacy as a safe agent. This paper underscores the imperative of integrating safety awareness and trustworthiness into the design and deployment of LLM-based agents, not only to enhance their performance but also to ensure their responsible integration into human-centric environments. Data and code are available at
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