Robust thalamic nuclei segmentation from T1-weighted MRI using polynomial intensity transformation

Brain Structure and Function(2024)

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Accurate segmentation of thalamic nuclei, crucial for understanding their role in healthy cognition and in pathologies, is challenging to achieve on standard T1-weighted (T1w) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) due to poor image contrast. White-matter-nulled (WMn) MRI sequences improve intrathalamic contrast but are not part of clinical protocols or extant databases. In this study, we introduce histogram-based polynomial synthesis (HIPS), a fast preprocessing transform step that synthesizes WMn-like image contrast from standard T1w MRI using a polynomial approximation for intensity transformation. HIPS was incorporated into THalamus Optimized Multi-Atlas Segmentation (THOMAS) pipeline, a method developed and optimized for WMn MRI. HIPS-THOMAS was compared to a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based segmentation method and THOMAS modified for the use of T1w images (T1w-THOMAS). The robustness and accuracy of the three methods were tested across different image contrasts (MPRAGE, SPGR, and MP2RAGE), scanner manufacturers (PHILIPS, GE, and Siemens), and field strengths (3 T and 7 T). HIPS-transformed images improved intra-thalamic contrast and thalamic boundaries, and HIPS-THOMAS yielded significantly higher mean Dice coefficients and reduced volume errors compared to both the CNN method and T1w-THOMAS. Finally, all three methods were compared using the frequently travelling human phantom MRI dataset for inter- and intra-scanner variability, with HIPS displaying the least inter-scanner variability and performing comparably with T1w-THOMAS for intra-scanner variability. In conclusion, our findings highlight the efficacy and robustness of HIPS in enhancing thalamic nuclei segmentation from standard T1w MRI.
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Key words
Thalamus,Thalamic nuclei segmentation,THOMAS,Structural imaging
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