The ERC-AMF Power Electronics Challenges: Interdisciplinary Research Targeting an All-Electric Aircraft

Jose A. Pomilio, Gabriela T. De Carvalho Ferreira, Jose Pissolato Filho,Mateus Giesbrecht, Eduardo Lenz, Renato De Souza Mariano

2023 IEEE 8th Southern Power Electronics Conference (SPEC)(2023)

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This paper presents the power electronics, electrical machines, electromagnetic compatibility, and control challenging projects of the Engineering Research Center for the Aerial Mobility of the Future. The challenges arise from the necessity of reducing pollutant and noise emissions, besides the trend of introducing novel aircraft adapted for operation in urban environments and short-range travels. The interdisciplinarity among power electronics, electric machine design and operation, control theory and application, and electromagnetic compatibility is considered throughout all the research development as a paradigm for designing an all-electric aircraft.
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all-electric aircraft,EMC,power electronics,electrical machines,control,more electric aircraft
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