Dynamic Scheduling of Operators in an Unbalanced Assembly Line Based on Weighted Fuzzy Petri Nets Decision.

Delian Tang,Junfeng Wang, Xia Tang

2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)(2023)

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The production tasks of aerospace enterprises are increasing and the order demands are variable. The production flexibility, production capacity and efficiency of aerospace products are gradually enhanced. Usually, because of unbalanced process time of works, the operators in aerospace products assembly line are not belonged to a fixed workstation. For dynamic scheduling of limited operators in shift-based assembly lines of this paper, the knowledge of scheduling decisions for multiple dynamic changes in the assembly line is analyzed, and a decision model based on a weighted fuzzy Petri net is proposed, which can reasonably allocate the limited operators to different assembly stations in order to improve the assembly efficiency. A case study is given to shown the effect of the operators dynamic scheduling strategy on the throughput improvement of the assembly line.
Operator scheduling,fuzzy Petri net,assembly line,unbalanced process time
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