Hidden in Plain Sight: Disengagement with Technology Among Older Female Entrepreneurs.

2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM)(2023)

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The gradual decline in Malaysian female entrepreneurs has been a subject of discourse in the literature. This decline has been traced to the series of challenges that these entrepreneurs face which has resulted in the relatively low performance in their businesses. This study sampled female salespeople aged 50 years and above who have not used any self-created videos in their personal sales job. We interviewed 13 female salespeople between February and April 2023. The study finds several non-engagements amongst these entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurs in question attributed their non-engagement to various issues which they consider challenges. Thus, this study concludes that the non-engagement with technology of female salespeople aged 50 years and above accounts for the relatively low performance and gradual decline of Malaysian female entrepreneurs. From a theoretical perspective, the Dynamic Capabilities of the firms of these Malaysians over 50s female entrepreneurs are not being exploited fully. This implies that in view of changing environmental conditions, these organizations are not properly configuring their strategies and resources to achieve the needed competitive advantage necessary to enhance their productivity and business performance.
Female entrepreneur,Dynamic capabilities,Older females,Malaysia
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