A Novel Multi-Supplement Based on Guarana, Selenium, and L-Carnitine Reduces Organ-Specific Oxidative Stress But Not Oxidative Stress-Induced Anxiety

Joana Grandó Moretto,Jose Eduardo Vargas,Julia Spanhol da Silva, Aline Zuanazzi Pasinato, Jeferson Lisboa Kunz, Paola Marengo,Cibele Ferreira Teixeira,Verônica Farina Azzolin,Ivana Beatrice Mânica da Cruz,Cristiano Trindade, Verónica Inés Vargas,Rômulo Pillon Barcelos

Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia(2024)

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Acute restrain stress promotes an inflammatory microenvironment mediated by oxidative damage. There is a need to design novel supplements based on 100 mg guarana, Paullinia cupana Kunth, Sapindaceae, 50 µg selenium, and 400 mg L-carnitine to reduce neuro oxi-inflammation. Therefore, this study analyzes the in vivo effect of the guarana-selenium-carnitine supplement (2.63 mg/kg/day) over a ten-day period to explore its biochemical and therapeutic potential under acute stress conditions. Acute resistance stress was induced by confining individuals for 2 h per day in 50 ml polycarbonate cylinders. Interestingly, the results did not show changes in anxiety levels in the stressed group supplemented with the guarana-selenium-carnitine supplement based on behavioral tests. Although the effects of the supplement were organ-specific, the supplement is promising in that it reduced reactive oxygen species production, acetylcholinesterase and superoxide dismutases activitivies, and enhanced total antioxidant capacity to levels equal to those of the baseline control group (non-stressed group). Our findings suggest that the guarana-selenium-carnitine supplementation can modulate oxidative stress levels, but further studies are necessary to explore the neuro-biological consequences of consuming the supplement.
Anxiety,Antioxidant,Natural treatments
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