Characterizing two-mode-squeezed light from four-wave mixing in rubidium vapor for quantum sensing and information processing


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We present a study of homodyne measurements of two-mode, vacuum-seeded, quadrature-squeezed light generated by four-wave mixing in warm rubidium vapor. Our results reveal that the vacuum squeezing can extend down to measurement frequencies of less than 1 Hz, and the squeezing bandwidth, similar to the seeded intensity-difference squeezing measured in this system, reaches up to approximately 20 MHz for typical pump parameters. By dividing the squeezing bandwidth into smaller frequency bins, we show that different sideband frequencies represent independent sources of two-mode squeezing. These properties are useful for quantum sensing and quantum information processing applications. We also investigate the impact of group velocity delays on the correlations in the system, which allows us to optimize the useful spectrum.
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