Enhancing deep learning classification performance of tongue lesions in imbalanced data: mosaic-based soft labeling with curriculum learning

BMC Oral Health(2024)

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Background Oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMDs) are associated with an increased risk of cancer of the oral cavity including the tongue. The early detection of oral cavity cancers and OPMDs is critical for reducing cancer-specific morbidity and mortality. Recently, there have been studies to apply the rapidly advancing technology of deep learning for diagnosing oral cavity cancer and OPMDs. However, several challenging issues such as class imbalance must be resolved to effectively train a deep learning model for medical imaging classification tasks. The aim of this study is to evaluate a new technique of artificial intelligence to improve the classification performance in an imbalanced tongue lesion dataset. Methods A total of 1,810 tongue images were used for the classification. The class-imbalanced dataset consisted of 372 instances of cancer, 141 instances of OPMDs, and 1,297 instances of noncancerous lesions. The EfficientNet model was used as the feature extraction model for classification. Mosaic data augmentation, soft labeling, and curriculum learning (CL) were employed to improve the classification performance of the convolutional neural network. Results Utilizing a mosaic-augmented dataset in conjunction with CL, the final model achieved an accuracy rate of 0.9444, surpassing conventional oversampling and weight balancing methods. The relative precision improvement rate for the minority class OPMD was 21.2
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Key words
Tongue cancer,Class imbalance,Deep learning,Mosaic augmentation,Curriculum learning
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