Exploring faint white dwarfs and the luminosity function with Subaru HSC and SDSS in Stripe 82


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We present 4,987 white dwarf (WD) candidates selected from matched stars between the multi-band imaging datasets of Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Survey and SDSS in the Stripe82 region covering about 165 deg^2. We first select WD candidates from the "reduced proper motion" diagram that is obtained by combining the apparent magnitude in the range i=19 – 24 and the proper motion measured by comparing the astrometric positions of each object between the two datasets over about 14 yr time baseline. We refine the WD candidates by fitting blackbody and template WD atmosphere models to HSC photometries for each candidate, enabling the estimation of photometric distance and tangential velocity (v_ t) with respect to the Sun. The deep HSC data allows us to identify low-temperature (<4000 K) and faint WD candidates down to absolute magnitude, M_ bol≃ 17. We evaluate the selection function of our WD candidates using the mock catalogue for spatial and kinematic distributions of WDs in the (thin and thick) disc and halo regions based on the standard Milky Way model. We construct the samples of disc and halo WD candidates by selecting WDs with the cuts of tangential velocity, 40更多
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