Rewriting endogenous human transcripts with trans-splicing

Sita S Chandrasekaran, Cyrus Tau, Matthew Nemeth,April Pawluk,Silvana Konermann,Patrick D Hsu


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Splicing bridges the gap between static DNA sequence and the diverse and dynamic set of protein products that execute a gene's biological functions. While exon skipping technologies enable influence over splice site selection, many desired perturbations to the transcriptome require replacement or addition of exogenous exons to target mRNAs: for example, to replace disease-causing exons, repair truncated proteins, or engineer protein fusions. Here, we report the development of RNA-guided trans-splicing with Cas editor (RESPLICE), inspired by the rare, natural process of trans-splicing that joins exons from two distinct primary transcripts. RESPLICE uses two orthogonal RNA-targeting CRISPR effectors to co-localize a trans-splicing pre-mRNA and to inhibit the cis-splicing reaction, respectively. We demonstrate efficient, specific, and programmable trans-splicing of multi-kilobase RNA cargo into nine endogenous transcripts across two human cell types, achieving up to 45% trans-splicing efficiency in bulk, or 90% when sorting for high effector expression. Our results present RESPLICE as a new mode of RNA editing for fine-tuned and transient control of cellular programs without permanent alterations to the genetic code. ### Competing Interest Statement P.D.H. acknowledges outside interest in Stylus Medicine, Spotlight Therapeutics, Circle Labs, Arbor Biosciences, Varda Space, Vial Health, and Veda Bio, where he holds various roles including as co-founder, director, scientific advisory board member, or consultant. S.S.C., C.T., and P.D.H. are inventors on patents relating to this work.
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