Progress of Operation Control System for EAST Neutral Beam Injector

Renzhong Wang,Yahong Xie,Yuanzhe Zhao

2023 IEEE 6th International Conference on Automation, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (AUTEEE)(2023)

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The Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) was constructed to explore the potential for steady-state nuclear fusion operation under long-pulse, high-performance conditions. Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) has been implemented to assist in heating the magnetically confined plasma during fusion reactions. The NBI Control System (NBICS) is a distributed control system used for controlling the operation of NBI experiments. As more and more achievements are made, experiments based on EAST continue to evolve towards higher goals, which also impose stricter control requirements on NBI. To further ensure the efficiency of NBI control and injection, a new Operation Control System (OCS) has been developed. The new system incorporates the latest features of Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), significantly enhancing the robustness and safety of the experimental operation process compared to the past. It possesses strong scalability, fully meeting the requirements of EAST experiments. OCS consists of several components. It integrates technologies such as the PV Access (PVA) protocol and the Phoebus framework in EPICS, achieving functionalities like parameter processing, experimental flow control, exception monitoring, and cooperative control. In this paper, the architectural design and development of the OCS are introduced.
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