GarchingSim: An Autonomous Driving Simulator with Photorealistic Scenes and Minimalist Workflow

Liguo Zhou, Yinglei Song, Yichao Gao, Zhou Yu, Michael Sodamin, Hongshen Liu,Liang Ma, Lian Liu, Hao Liu, Yang Liu, Haichuan Li,Guang Chen,Alois Knoll

2023 IEEE 26th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC)(2024)

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Conducting real road testing for autonomous driving algorithms can be expensive and sometimes impractical, particularly for small startups and research institutes. Thus, simulation becomes an important method for evaluating these algorithms. However, the availability of free and open-source simulators is limited, and the installation and configuration process can be daunting for beginners and interdisciplinary researchers. We introduce an autonomous driving simulator with photorealistic scenes, meanwhile keeping a user-friendly workflow. The simulator is able to communicate with external algorithms through ROS2 or Socket.IO, making it compatible with existing software stacks. Furthermore, we implement a highly accurate vehicle dynamics model within the simulator to enhance the realism of the vehicle's physical effects. The simulator is able to serve various functions, including generating synthetic data and driving with machine learning-based algorithms. Moreover, we prioritize simplicity in the deployment process, ensuring that beginners find it approachable and user-friendly.
Autonomous Vehicles,Photo-realistic Scenes,Vehicle Dynamics,Vehicle Dynamics Model,Open-source Simulation,Convolutional Neural Network,Simulation Environment,Bounding Box,Real-world Scenarios,Path Planning,Inertial Measurement Unit,Intelligence Agencies,Traffic Light,Global Navigation Satellite System,3D Environment,Internal Combustion Engine,Advances In Deep Learning,Sensor Readings,Traffic Scenarios,Advanced Driver Assistance Systems,Imitation Learning,Robot Operating System,Game Engine,Real-world Test,Unreal Engine,Semantic Segmentation,External Software,RGB Camera,Pedestrian,Traffic Flow
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