Magnetic interactions and excitations in SrMnSb_2

Zhenhua Ning,Bing Li, Weilun Tang,Arnab Banerjee, Victor Fanelli, Doug Abernathy,Yong Liu,Benjamin G Ueland, Robert J. McQueeney,Liqin Ke


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The magnetic interactions in the antiferromagnetic (AFM) Dirac semimetal candidate SrMnSb_2 are investigated using ab initio linear response theory and inelastic neutron scattering (INS). Our calculations reveal that the first two nearest in-plane couplings (J_1 and J_2) are both AFM in nature, indicating a significant degree of spin frustration, which aligns with experimental observations. The orbital resolution of exchange interactions shows that J_1 and J_2 are dominated by direct and superexchange, respectively. In a broader context, a rigid-band model suggests that electron doping fills the minority spin channel and results in a decrease in the AFM coupling strength for both J_1 and J_2. To better compare with INS measurements, we calculate the spin wave spectra within a linear spin wave theory, utilizing the computed exchange parameters. Although the calculated spin wave spectra somewhat overestimate the magnon bandwidth, they exhibit overall good agreement with measurements from INS experiments.
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