Continuous External Tissue Expansion for Closure of Forehead Flap Donor Site.

The Journal of craniofacial surgery(2024)

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Continuous external tissue expansion has been shown to be effective in the management of craniofacial wounds resulting from tumor resection, trauma, and wound dehiscence. Forehead flap donor sites are typically managed with secondary intention healing. However, this can create esthetic problems in pigmented skin because of the tendency to form thick scars. Here, the authors describe the use of continuous external tissue expansion for the management of a paramedian forehead flap donor site. A Dermaclose device was used at the time of forehead flap elevation and removed at the pedicle division and inset. Sufficient skin expansion was achieved for primary closure. The final scar was esthetically pleasing. External tissue expansion is ideal for forehead flap donor sites as the second stage of the operation provides an opportunity for expander removal and wound closure.
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