Experimental investigation on thermochemical reaction with gradient-porosity reactor for medium temperature heat storage applications


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Thermochemical heat storage system with gradient porosity reactor at medium temperature was designed. The experimental materials, components, reactor structure, operational principles, and working conditions of the experimental platform are introduced in detail. This provides the necessary foundation for testing the data. Decomposition for different temperatures, flow rates and porosities were tested. Magnesium hydroxide can be completely decomposed at temperatures higher than 450-500 degrees C, but there is a risk of sintering. The thermo-physical properties of sample materials significantly decreased, especially after decomposition at 550 degrees C. This can even be considered as a thermal degradation of the materials' thermophysical properties. Steam flow rate and porosity show effects on decomposition. The larger the steam flow, or the larger the filling porosities, the faster the decomposition process. Effects of initial temperature, flow rate, reactant activity and porosity on the temperature and pressure in hydration process were investigated. Under different initial temperatures, the highest temperature is between 280 and 285 degrees C. When decomposition temperature is 350 degrees C, rehydration ratio is 0.96 and 0.83. When temperature is 550 degrees C, rehydration ratio drops to 0.24 and 0.13. Additionally, the pressure changes under different porosity distribution were investigated. Data for various conditions have guiding sig-nificance for material modification and system construction.
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Key words
Thermochemical reaction,Magnesium oxide,Heat storage experiment,Reactor,Heat transfer,Operation condition,Latin letters
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