
Data Poisoning Attacks and Mitigation Strategies on Federated Support Vector Machines

SN Computer Science(2024)

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Federated learning is a machine learning approach where multiple edge devices, each holding local data samples, send a locally trained model to the central server, and the central server aggregates the models using a specific aggregation rule. Notably, the distributed nature of federated learning exposes these devices to potential poisoning attacks, especially during the training phase. This paper presents a systematic study on the effect of data poisoning attacks against SVM classifiers in a federated setting (F-SVM). In particular, we implement two widely recognized data poisoning attacks against SVMs named Label-Flipping and Optimal-Poisoning attacks and evaluate their impact on the global F-SVM accuracy using MNIST, FashionMNIST, CIFAR-10, and IJCNN1 datasets. Our results reveal significant reductions in accuracy, highlighting the susceptibility of F-SVMs to such attacks. Our empirical results highlight that if 30% of the edge devices are compromised, accuracy drops by 15%, and if compromised devices increase to 35%, accuracy goes down by 32%. We evaluated the impacts when ratio of the poisonous points is different and when datasets are not independently and identically distributed (non-IID) across edge devices. In addition to this, we investigate some preliminary defense mechanisms against poisoning attacks for F-SVMs. Consequently, we assessed the efficacy of three popular unsupervised outlier detection methods: the K -nearest Neighbor algorithm, Histogram-based outlier detection, and Copula-based outlier detection. All our source codes are written in Python and are open source.
Support vector machine,Poisoning attack,Outlier detection,Federated learning
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