Tailoring giant quantum transport anisotropy in nanoporous graphenes under electrostatic disorder


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During the last 15 years bottom-up on-surface synthesis has been demonstrated as an efficient way to synthesize carbon nanostructures with atomic precision, opening the door to unprecedented electronic control at the nanoscale. Nanoporous graphenes (NPGs) fabricated as two-dimensional arrays of graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) represent one of the key recent breakthroughs in the field. NPGs interestingly display in-plane transport anisotropy of charge carriers, and such anisotropy was shown to be tunable by modulating quantum interference. Herein, using large-scale quantum transport simulations, we show that electrical anisotropy in NPGs is not only resilient to disorder but can further be massively enhanced by its presence. This outcome paves the way to systematic engineering of quantum transport in NPGs as a novel concept for efficient quantum devices and architectures. We demonstrate, via large-scale quantum transport simulations, that quantum interference engineering permits realizing giant transport anisotropy in nanoporous graphenes under the presence of electrostatic disorder.
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