School Bus Lighting Effectiveness and Improvements: Results from a Driving Experiment

Devon Farmer, Yeonjung Song, Panju Shin,Hyun Kim, Sanjay Tandan,Jun Lee


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In Korea, drivers should come to a complete halt and proceed cautiously when encountering a school bus displaying its red warning lights and other safety features, a requirement that is often disregarded in practice. The reason for this might stem from a lack of awareness about the law, and we set out to investigate whether an innovative lighting system employing road projections or VMS could encourage compliance. We found that while 63% of drivers in surveys indicated they would correctly stop when approaching a stopped school bus, in driving experiments, we found that only 18% of drivers did. Our study also uncovered a knowledge gap, with just 53% to 60% of respondents correctly answering basic about the purpose of existing lighting and laws related to school buses. With on-road experiments, when we introduced road projection systems for enhanced non-connected vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication, we found that understanding would increase and compliance could increase by up to 77% (from surveys) and 93% (in road tests); these findings underscore the potential of road projections or potentially VMS as effective V2V tools for enhancing road safety in proximity to school buses.
school bus safety,road projection,road safety,school transportation,lighting
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