Exogenous Spermidine and Amino-Ethoxyvinylglycine Improve Nutritional Quality via Increasing Amino Acids in Rice Grains


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Polyamines and ethylene are key regulators of the growth and development, quality formation, and stress response of cereal crops such as rice. However, it remains unclear whether the application of these regulators could improve the nutritional quality via increasing amino acids in rice grains. This study examined the role of exogenous polyamines and ethylene in regulating amino acid levels in the milled rice of earlier-flowered superior grain (SG) and later-flowered inferior grain (IG). Two rice varieties were field grown, and either 1 mmol L-1 spermidine (Spd) or 50 mu mol L-1 amino-ethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) was applied to panicles at the early grain-filling stage. The control check (CK) was applied with deionized water. The results showed that the Spd or AVG applications significantly increased polyamine (spermine (Spm) and Spd) contents and decreased ethylene levels in both SG and IG and significantly increased amino acid levels in the milled rice of SG and IG relative to the CK. Collectively, the application of Spd or AVG can increase amino acid-based nutritional quality and grain yield via increasing polyamine (Spm and Spd) contents and reducing ethylene levels in both SG and IG of rice.
amino acid,polyamine,ethylene,rice,superior grains,inferior grains
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