Uniform Modeling of Hybrid AC/DC Transmission Network for Path-Aware Inter-Provincial Electricity Trading.

Shiyuan Tao,Zhenfei Tan,Zheng Yan, Hui Deng,Ziqing Zhou

2023 IEEE Sustainable Power and Energy Conference (iSPEC)(2023)

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To support the path-aware trading clearing of the inter-provincial electricity market in China, a uniform modeling method for the hybrid AC/DC transmission network is proposed in this paper. This method uses a radial equivalent network to replace the AC network for trading path identification. The depth-first search method is then leveraged to enumerate all trading paths in the unified AC/DC network. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in the inter-provincial market clearing, the path-aware market clearing model and the high-low matchmaking market clearing model are established. Case studies based on a 6-province test system verify the effectiveness of the proposed method and compare the differences between the two market clearing mechanisms.
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Key words
Equivalence,hybrid AC/DC network,market clearing,regional electricity market,trading path
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