Design of an injectable, self-adhesive, and highly stable hydrogel electrode for sleep recording

Ju-Chun Hsieh, Weilong He, Dhivya Venkatraghavan, Victoria B. Koptelova, Zoya J. Ahmad,Ilya Pyatnitskiy,Wenliang Wang,Jinmo Jeong,Kevin Kai Wing Tang, Cody Harmeier, Conrad Li,Manini Rana, Sruti Iyer, Eesha Nayak, Hong Ding,Pradeep Modur,Vincent Mysliwiec,David M. Schnyer,Benjamin Baird,Huiliang Wang


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Key words
injectable,spontaneous cross-linking,long-term stable,hydrogels,electroencephalograms,sleep EEG,sleep monitoring
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