Spatiotemporal distribution and impact factors of GNSS-PWV in China based on climate region

Fei Yang,Xu Gong,Zhicai Li,Yingying Wang, Shiji Song, Haoyu Wang, Ran Chen

Advances in Space Research(2024)

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Water vapor plays a pivotal role in the intricate processes of energy exchange and climate dynamics. However, a comprehensive understanding of the spatial distribution and temporal variability of water vapor in distinct climatic regions of China is still limited due to the intricate interplay of complex topography and diverse climatic conditions. This study investigates the multiscale variability of water vapor using 10-year 1-hour data of precipitable water vapor (PWV) from 248 observation stations of the Crustal Movement Observation Network of China (CMONOC). Significant variations in PWV distribution among China's climate regions are observed. Average PWV values vary considerably across regions, with the Tropical and Subtropical Monsoon Climate (TSMC) having the highest mean PWV of 32.09 mm, followed by the Midlatitude Monsoon Climate (MMC) with 15.70 mm, the Humid Continental Climate (HCC) with 9.26 mm, and the Plateau Climate (PC) with 7.66 mm. Seasons exhibit summer concentration and winter reduction across regions. Most stations exhibit increasing PWV trends, while a few show decreasing trends. The amplitude of annual PWV variations is higher in TSMC and MMC regions with a range from 8 to 22 mm, compared to HCC and PC regions with a range from 2 to 15 mm. Semiannual variations range from 0 to 6 mm in each region. PWV negatively correlates with latitude, altitude and pressure, particularly in the TSMC. Positive correlations with temperature exist in all regions, with varying strengths. Thermodynamic factors primarily impact PWV, while dynamic factors have secondary influence, equally significant in the PC region.
GNSS meteorology,precipitable water vapor,climate region,CMONOC
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