Hirail: Core-Agnostic Deterministic Networks for Long-Distance Time-Sensitive IIoT Applications

IEEE Internet of Things Journal(2024)

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With the emergence of time-sensitive IIoT applications, such as remote operation and industrial control, a long-distance deterministic forwarding service is highly desirable. However, most of the existing research is limited to local area networks, or requires costly replacement of core network devices. Enabling incremental deterministic networks based on off-the-shelf technologies is a significant challenge. This paper designs a core-agnostic and cost-effective solution named Hirail to achieve the smooth evolution of long-distance deterministic networks. Firstly, we investigate that a time-discrete shaper (TDS) can be deployed at the ingress node to enable millisecond-level bounded delay. TDS functions similarly to the concept of buying time-stamped tickets for each flow prior to getting on a high-speed rail, thus avoiding the expensive modification of core devices. Then, to alleviate the flow aggregation problem under long-distance links, we utilize the inband network telemetry to construct the delay-aware network map and conduct adaptive source routing based on the map. Finally, an adjustable buffer at the last hop is devised for jitter reduction. Evaluation results show that Hirail can meet the bounded delay and jitter demands, and outperforms other solutions in terms of performance and overhead.
Deterministic Networks,Time-Discrete Shaper,Time-Sensitive,Industrial Internet of Things
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