The Financial Narrative Summarisation Shared Task (FNS 2023).

2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (BigData)(2023)

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This paper presents the results and findings of the Financial Narrative Summarisation Shared Task on summarising UK, Greek, and Spanish annual reports. The shared task was organised as part of the 5th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2023). The Financial Narrative summarisation Shared Task (FNS 2023) has been running since 2020 as part of the Financial Narrative Processing (FNP) workshop series [15–20]. The shared task included one main challenge, which is the use of either abstractive or extractive automatic summarisers to summarise long documents in terms of UK, Greek, and Spanish financial annual reports. This shared task is the fourth to target financial documents. The data for the shared task was created and collected from publicly available annual reports published by firms listed on the Stock Exchanges of the UK, Greece, and Spain. A total number of 6 systems from 3 different teams participated in the shared task.
financial narrative summarisation,annual reports,extractive summarisation,abstractive summarisation,financial narrative processing
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