Polarized Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided 2D-DOA Estimation for NLoS Sources

IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications(2024)

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Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS) represents a significant breakthrough in wireless communications, allowing the reconstruction of wireless channels even for occluded users to the base station (BS). Estimating the Direction-of-Arrival (DOA) of a source oriented toward Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS) propagation is an intriguing topic in an IRS-aided wireless communication scenario. However, the existing optimization-based approaches are overly complex to be practically implemented. In this paper, we propose a polarized IRS architecture, in which both IRS and BS are equipped with arbitrarily placed Electromagnetic Vector Sensor (EMVS) arrays. A Normalized Vector-Cross Product (NVCP) estimator is developed for DOA estimation, which avoids the need for complicated data recovery or exhaustive grid search. The proposed framework enables Two-Dimensional (2D) DOA estimation for NLOS signals without requiring prior knowledge of the BS-IRS channel. Numerical simulations have been conducted to verify its effectiveness.
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Key words
Intelligent Reflecting Surface (IRS),Direction-of-Arrival (DOA),Non-Line-of-Sight (NLOS),Electromagnetic Vector Sensor (EMVS) arrays,Vector-cross product
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