High-Gain Dual-Circular-Polarized Filtering Lens Antenna for Low-Cost 60 GHz Applications


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This letter presents a novel design of a high-gain dual-circular-polarized (dual-CP) filtering antenna for the 60 GHz millimeter-wave application. We utilize a planar dual-linear-polarized (dual-LP) filtering antenna to illuminate a dielectric lens to realize such a design. The lens consists of a CP polarizer and an array of phase shifters. The CP polarizer plays a role in converting linear-polarized waves into circular-polarized waves. Accordingly, dual-CP radiation can be realized under the illumination of the +/- 45(degrees) dual-polarized antenna source. The phase shifters can provide phase compensations to collimate the divergent waves into parallel ones for high gain. Such a lens can be readily fabricated by using a three-dimensional printing technique. Experimental results show that the proposed dual-CP filtering lens antenna has excellent filtering response, high gain, easy integration, and low fabrication cost.
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Key words
60 GHz,dual-circular-polarized,filtering antenna,high-gain,lens antenna
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