Analisis Faktor Risiko Tindakan Restrain pada Pasien Rawat Inap dengan Gangguan Jiwa

Jumriani Jumriani,Rini Rachmawaty,Erfina Erfina

Journal of Telenursing (JOTING)(2023)

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This literature review aims to summarize research results regarding risk factors for restraint in hospitalized mental disorder patients. The literature search used seven databases, namely PuBmed, EBSCOhost, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, Garuda; Google Scholar; and Wiley in the 2013-2023 range. As a result of the research, eleven studies were included in the review, where increased restraint risk factors were divided into three: 1) sociodemographic characteristics (immigrant patients, male, young age, married, rural background, and low socioeconomic); 2) clinical factors (active and aggressive behavior, psychotic/bipolar disorders, cognitive and mood disorders, previous psychiatric disorders, long hospitalization and previous hospitalization, and alcohol/drug dependence); 3) referral factors (forced referrals from emergency departments, from outpatient centers/private doctors, and police referrals). In conclusion, there are three factors that can increase the risk of restraint, namely: sociodemographic characteristics, patient clinical factors, and referral factors. Keywords: Mental Disorder Patients, Hospitalization, Restraint
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