New molecular tools for precision medicine in pituitary neuroendocrine tumors


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Precision, personalized, or individualized medicine in pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) has become a major topic in the last few years. It is based on the use of biomarkers that predictively segregate patients and give answers to clinically relevant questions that help us in the individualization of their management. It allows us to make early diagnosis, predict response to medical treatments, predict surgical outcomes and investigate new targets for therapeutic molecules. So far, substantial progress has been made in this field, although there are still not enough precise tools that can be implemented in clinical practice. One of the main reasons is the excess overlap among clustered patients, with an error probability that is not currently acceptable for clinical practice. This overlap is due to the high heterogeneity of PitNETs, which is too complex to be overcome by the classical biomarker investigation approach. A systems biology approach based on artificial intelligence techniques seems to be able to give answers to each patient individually by building mathematical models through the interaction of multiple factors, including those of omics sciences. Integrated studies of different molecular omics techniques, as well as radiomics and clinical data are necessary to understand the whole system and to finally achieve the key to obtain precise biomarkers and implement personalized medicine. In this review we have focused on describing the current advances in the area of PitNETs based on the omics sciences, that are clearly going to be the new tool for precision medicine. (Cite this article as: Marques-Pamies M, Gil J, Valassi E, Pons L, Carrato C, Jorda M, et al. New molecular tools for precision medicine in pituitary neuroendocrine tumors. Minerva Endocrinol 2024 Jan 23. DOI: 10.23736/ S2724-6507.23.04063-0)
Pituitary neoplasms,Precision medicine,Systems biology,Multiomics,Biomarkers
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