Wideband to Narrowband Reconfigurable Metamaterial antenna

2023 IEEE International Symposium On Antennas And Propagation (ISAP)(2023)

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This paper presents the design of wideband to narrowband frequency reconfigurable metamaterial antenna. Bandwidth enhancement is achieved based on the effect of left-handed capacitor C L by optimizing the position of slot between middle patch and top patch. Single PIN diode is used as switch for reconfiguration. Effect of biasing line position is also investigated and analyzed along the length of the antenna. The software used for the simulation work to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed antenna is Computer Simulation Technology CST software. The antenna covered bandwidth range of (2.3-5.4) GHz in ON state and switched to narrowband which resonates at 5.2 GHz in OFF state. Maximum gain of 2.4 dB and efficiency of 86 % are obtained at 5.2 GHz band when the switches are in ON state. For OFF state, maximum gain of 1.8 dB and efficiency of 75% are obtained at 5.2 GHz. By considering the results obtained, the antenna can be used for indoor WLAN application for short range connections.
metamaterial,frequency reconfiguration,PIN diode,biasing line,wideband,narrowband
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