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Isolation and the Pathogenicity Characterization of Decapod Iridescent Virus 1 (DIV1) from Diseased Macrobrachium Nipponense and Its Activation on Host Immune Response

Fish & shellfish immunology(2024)

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The high morbidity and mortality of Macrobrachium nipponense occurred in several farms in China, with cardinal symptoms of slow swimming, loss of appetite, empty of intestine, reddening of the hepatopancreas and gills. The pathogen has been confirmed as Decapod Iridescent Virus 1 (DIV1), namely DIV1-mn, by molecular epidemiology, histopathological examination, TEM observation, challenge experiment, and viral load detection. Histopathological analysis showed severe damage in hepatopancreas and gills of diseased prawns, exhibited few eosinophilic inclusions and pyknosis, and TEM of diseased prawns revealed that icosahedral virus particles existed in hepatopancreas and gill, which confirmed the disease of the farmed prawns caused by the DIV1 infection. Besides, challenge tests showed LD50 of DIV1 to M. nipponense was determined to be 2.14×104 copies/mL, and real-time PCR revealed that M. nipponense had a very high DIV1 load in the hemocytes, gills and hepatopancreas after infection. Furthermore, qRT-PCR was undertaken to investigated the expression of six immune-related genes in DIV1-infected M. nipponense after different time points, and the results revealed UCHL3, Relish, Gly-Cru2, CTL, MyD88 and Hemocyanin were significantly up-regulated in hemocytes, gills and hepatopancreas, which revealed various expression patterns in response to DIV1 infection. This study revealed that DIV1 infection is responsible for the mass mortality of M. nipponense, one of the important crustacean species, indicating its high susceptibility to DIV1. Moreover, this study will contribute to exploring the interaction between the host and DIV1 infection, specifically in terms of understanding how M. nipponense recognizes and eliminates the invading of DIV1.
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Key words
Macrobrachium nipponense,Decapod iridescent virus 1 (DIV1),Pathogenicity,Histopathological analysis,Immune related genes
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