Qubit fidelity under stochastic Schrödinger equations driven by colored noise


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Environmental noise on a controlled quantum system is generally modeled by a dissipative Lindblad equation. This equation describes the average state of the system via the density matrix ρ. One way of deriving this Lindblad equation is by introducing a stochastic operator evolving under white noise in the Schrödinger equation. However, white noise, where all noise frequencies contribute equally in the power spectral density, is not a realistic noise profile as lower frequencies generally dominate the spectrum. Furthermore, the Lindblad equation does not fully describe the system as a density matrix ρ does not uniquely describe a probabilistic ensemble of pure states {ψ_j}_j. In this work, we introduce a method for solving for the full distribution of qubit fidelity driven by important stochastic Schrödinger equation cases, where qubits evolve under more realistic noise profiles, e.g. Ornstein-Uhlenbeck noise. This allows for predictions of the mean, variance, and higher-order moments of the fidelities of these qubits, which can be of value when deciding on the allowed noise levels for future quantum computing systems, e.g. deciding what quality of control systems to procure. Furthermore, these methods will prove to be integral in the optimal control of qubit states under (classical) control system noise.
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