Genistein prevents the production of hypospadias induced by Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate through androgen signaling and antioxidant response in rats

Bowen Shi,Enyang He, Kaili Chang,Guodong Xu, Qingya Meng, Haihua Xu, Ziying Chen, Xiaojia Wang,Miao Jia,Wenjing Sun,Wei Zhao, Hailan Zhao,Liang Dong,Hualei Cui


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The schematic representation of the mechanism of GEN for the prevention of hypospadias induced by DEHP. DEHP promotes ROS production through NOX1 and NOX4, induces oxidative stress, and increases the expression of MAPK10 and MAPK14, thereby inhibiting Srd5 alpha 2. This leads to decreased DHT synthesis and AR expression, causing hypospadias, while GEN reversed the phenomenon via anti-estrogenic and anti-oxidative stress effects. Environmental estrogen exposure has increased dramatically over the past 50 years. In particular, prenatal exposure to estrogen causes many congenital diseases, among which reproductive system development disorders are extremely serious. In this study, the molecular mechanism of hypospadias and the therapeutic effect of genistein (GEN) were investigated through in vivo models prepared by Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) exposure between 12 and 19 days of gestation. With increased DEHP concentrations, the incidence of hypospadias increased gradually. DEHP inhibited the key enzymes involved in steroid synthesis, resulting in decreasing testosterone synthesis. At the same time, DEHP increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) and produced inflammatory factors via NADPH oxidase-1 (NOX1) and NADPH oxidase-4 (NOX4) pathways. It also inhibited Steroid 5 alpha Reductase 2 (Srd5 alpha 2) and decreased dihydrotestosterone (DHT) synthesis. Additionally, DEHP inhibited the androgen receptor (AR), resulting in reduced DHT binding to the AR that ultimately retarded the development of the external reproductive system. GEN, a phytoestrogen, competes with DEHP for binding to estrogen receptor S (ERS). This competition, along with GEN's antiestrogen and antioxidant properties, could potentially reverse impairments. The findings of this study provide valuable insights into the role of phytoestrogens in alleviating environmental estrogen-induced congenital diseases.
Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP),Hypospadias,Genistein (GEN),Estrogen effect,Oxidative stress
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