Discussion: Harnessing microbiome-mediated adaptations in insect pollinators to mitigate climate change impact on crop pollination


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Insect pollinators, vital for agriculture and biodiversity, face escalating threats from climate change. We argue and explore the pivotal role of the microbiomes in shaping adaptations of insect pollinator resilience amid climate-induced challenges (climate change and habitat alteration). Examining diverse taxonomic groups, we unravel the interplay between insect physiology, microbiomes, and adaptive mechanisms. Climate-driven alterations in microbiomes impact insect health, behavior, and plant interactions, posing significant effects on agricultural ecosystems. We propose harnessing microbiome-mediated adaptations as a strategic approach to mitigate climate change impacts on crop pollination. Insights into insect-pollinator microbiomes offer transformative avenues for sustainable agriculture, including probiotic interventions (use of EM PROBIOTIC) and microbiome engineering (such as engineering gut bacteria) to induce immune responses and enhanced pollination services. Integrating microbiome insights into conservation practices elucidates strategies for preserving pollinator habitats, optimizing agricultural landscapes, and developing policies to safeguard pollinator health in the face of environmental changes. Finally, we stress interdisciplinary collaboration and the urgency of understanding pollinator microbiome dynamics under climate change in future research.
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Key words
Microbiome,Insect pollinators,Climate change,Crop pollination,Resilience
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