BlenDA: Domain Adaptive Object Detection through diffusion-based blending

Tzuhsuan Huang, Chen-Che Huang, Chung-Hao Ku,Jun-Cheng Chen


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Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) aims to transfer a model learned using labeled data from the source domain to unlabeled data in the target domain. To address the large domain gap issue between the source and target domains, we propose a novel regularization method for domain adaptive object detection, BlenDA, by generating the pseudo samples of the intermediate domains and their corresponding soft domain labels for adaptation training. The intermediate samples are generated by dynamically blending the source images with their corresponding translated images using an off-the-shelf pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model which takes the text label of the target domain as input and has demonstrated superior image-to-image translation quality. Based on experimental results from two adaptation benchmarks, our proposed approach can significantly enhance the performance of the state-of-the-art domain adaptive object detector, Adversarial Query Transformer (AQT). Particularly, in the Cityscapes to Foggy Cityscapes adaptation, we achieve an impressive 53.4 state-of-the-art by 1.5 applicable to various paradigms of domain adaptive object detection. The code is available at:
object detection,domain adaptation,unsupervised domain adaptation,blended images,target domain
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