Fluoride release potential of arginine-incorporated fluoride varnishes.

Dental materials journal(2024)

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The study aimed to examine the fluoride (F) release potential of arginine (Arg)-incorporated F varnishes. Four commercially available F varnishes were included in the study: Duraphat® (5% NaF), Flúor Protector® (0.9% SiH2F2), Fluor Protector S® (NH4F), and Fluorimax™ (2.5% NaF). L-arginine (2% w/v.) was incorporated in these varnishes to estimate F release at 1 h, 4 h, 6 h, 24 h, 3 days, and 7 days using an F-ion selective electrode. The media pH of eluded varnishes was estimated and primary inorganic F extraction was performed. The main effects pH, F release, and computed integrated mean/cumulative F release for experimental groups were significantly higher than the controls (p<0.01). The primary extracted F concentrations for the Arg-containing groups were significantly lower than the control groups (p<0.001) demonstrating a chemical interplay with Arg incorporation. To conclude, irrespective of the inorganic F content, incorporating Arg in F-containing varnishes increases their F release potential.
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