Smart Laser Scanning of Uzbekistan’s Big Solar Furnace for Performance Optimization

Shakhzod Takhirov, Odilkhuja Parpiev, Zhavohir Shermatov,Anvar Zakhidov, Jamshid Avloni, Ravshan Shamansurov

2023 7th International Symposium on Innovative Approaches in Smart Technologies (ISAS)(2023)

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The Solar Furnace of Uzbekistan (SFU) is one of two research facilities in the world that can use solar energy to create high temperatures in a relatively small volume with a diameter of about 0.9 m. The temperatures in this volume can reach up to 3,500 degrees Celsius. Its construction started in 1981 and was completed in 1987. The equipment and major components of SFU are aging, and they are in urgent need of upgrades. To assess its current condition, this study of SFU was conducted. It was done by using a terrestrial laser scanner that can deliver a few-milliliter accuracy over a long range. The point cloud collected by the laser scanner revealed a number of anomalies. Most likely, the current underperformance of SFU can be a result of their presence. A detailed analysis of these anomalies will be used in the development of SFU’s upgrading strategies and the development of modern state-of-the-art calibration and control systems to meet and exceed the projected capacity of the furnace.
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Key words
laser scanning,monitoring,digital twin,parabolic reflector,heliostats,solar energy,solar furnace,green energy
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