Numerical modeling of a proof-of-principle experiment on optical stochastic cooling at an electron storage ring


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Cooling of beams circulating in storage rings is critical for many applications including particle colliders and synchrotron light sources. A method enabling unprecedented beam -cooling rates, optical stochastic cooling (OSC), was recently demonstrated in the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) electron storage ring at Fermilab [J. Jarvis et al., Nature (London) 608, 287 (2022)]. This paper describes the numerical implementation of the OSC process in the particle -tracking program ELEGANT and discusses the validation of the developed model with available experimental data. The model is also employed to highlight some features associated with different modes of operation of OSC. The developed simulation tool should be valuable in guiding future configurations of optical stochastic cooling and, more broadly, modeling self -field -based beam manipulations.
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