Understanding functional brain reorganisation for naturalistic piano playing in novice pianists


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Learning to play the piano is a unique complex task, integrating multiple sensory modalities and higher-order cognitive functions. Longitudinal neuroimaging studies on adult novice musicians show training-related functional changes in music perception tasks. The reorganisation of brain activity while actually playing an instrument was studied only on a very short time-frame of a single fMRI session, and longer interventions have not yet been performed. Thus, our aim was to investigate the dynamic complexity of functional brain reorganisation while playing the piano within the first half year of musical training. We scanned twenty-four novice keyboard learners (female, 18-23yo) using fMRI while they played increasingly complex musical pieces after 1, 6, 13 and 26 weeks of training. Playing music evoked responses bilaterally in the auditory, inferior frontal and supplementary motor areas, and the left sensorimotor cortex. The effect of training over time, however, invoked widespread changes encompassing the right sensorimotor cortex, cerebellum, superior parietal cortex, anterior insula and hippocampus, among others. As the training progressed, the activation of these regions decreased while playing music. Post-hoc analysis revealed region-specific time-courses for independent auditory and motor regions of interest. These results suggest that while the primary sensory, motor and frontal regions are associated with playing music, the training decreases the involvement of higher-order cognitive control and integrative regions, and basal ganglia. Moreover, training might affect distinct brain regions in different ways, providing evidence in favour of the dynamic nature of brain plasticity. Significance statement Mastering the piano is a unique process requiring a collaboration of multiple brain regions. However, associated brain activation changes are not well understood. Using functional MRI, we showed that playing the piano activated brain areas associated with movement and auditory processing. However, as the novice pianists progressed through their training, the activation of other brain regions, involved in memory retrieval, auditory-motor integration, or the processing of musical syntax, was gradually reduced. Our findings suggest that musical training is an optimisation process, with higher-order cognitive networks being activated more strongly at the beginning and their activity decreasing with increased proficiency. ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
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