Tracheotomy versus tracheostomy, the need for lexicographical clarification.

Serafín Sánchez-Gómez, Elena Molina-Fernández, María Eugenia Acosta Mosquera,José María Palacios-García, Fernando López-Álvarez, María Sonia de Juana Morrondo, Beatriz Tena-García

Acta otorrinolaringologica espanola(2024)

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In the healthcare field, the terms "traqueotomía" and "traqueostomía" are frequently used, often leading to confusion among professionals regarding the appropriate definition for each term or which one should be considered more correct in specific cases. A search was conducted for the terms "traqueotomía" and "traqueostomía" in general Spanish-language dictionaries such as the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DRAE) and the Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Language of the Royal Spanish Academy (DHLE), as well as for the English terms "tracheotomy" and "tracheostomy" in English general dictionaries like the Oxford Dictionary, the Cambridge Dictionary, and the Collins English Dictionary. Additionally, searches were performed in medical dictionaries in both Spanish, specifically the Dictionary of Medical Terms of the National Academy of Medicine (DTM), and English, including the Farlex Dictionary. The terms were also explored using the Google search engine. Definitions were analyzed from both lexicographical and etymological perspectives. Definitions found in general dictionaries, in both Spanish and English, were found to be imprecise, limited, and ambiguous, as they mixed outdated indications with criteria that deviated from etymology. In contrast, definitions in medical dictionaries in both languages were more aligned with etymology. "Traqueotomía" strictly identifies the surgical procedure of creating an opening in the anterior face of the trachea. "Traqueostomía" identifies the creation of an opening that connects the trachea to the exterior, involving a modification of the upper airway by providing an additional entry for the respiratory pathway. "Traqueostomía" becomes the sole means of entry to the airway in total laryngectomies. Both terms can be used synonymously when a traqueotomía culminates in a traqueostomía. However, it is not appropriate to use the term "traqueostomía" when the procedure concludes with the closure of the planes and does not result in the creation of a stoma. Traqueostomas can be qualified with adjectives indicating permanence (temporary/permanent), size (large/small), shape (round/elliptical), or depth, without being linked to any specific disease or surgical indication. Not all permanent traqueostomas are the result of total laryngectomies, and they do not necessarily have an irreversible character systematically.
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