Artificial Intelligence and Sustainable Development in Business Management Context – Bibliometric Review

International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems(2023)

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as an innovative technology with significant potential to transform industries and societies worldwide. In the context of Sustainable Development (SD), AI presents a unique opportunity to address the managerial challenges related to sustainability. This study explores the relationship between AI and SD in the management context, highlighting the potential of AI to contribute to SD through various applications. The research presents a bibliometric literature review of scientific publications on AI and SD, identifying key areas where AI can make a significant contribution to achieving sustainability in business management. These areas include sustainable agriculture, computer sciences, economy and business management, and decision-making processes. The challenges and ethical considerations associated with the use of AI in business management literature in the context of SD were also discussed. In addition, the paper presents the implications of AI for decision-making and management practices, particularly in terms of the development of AI strategies and the adoption of AI-based solutions in environmental performance. The integration of AI into management practices can facilitate SD and help organizations achieve their strategic goals, which has been proposed and discussed in this article. Moreover, the research contributes to the ongoing discourse on the role of AI and SD in management. The study concludes by calling for further research and collaboration among various stakeholders to maximize the potential of AI in SD.
computer sciences,decision-making,green management
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