Fine-Grained Classification of Edible Mushrooms Using Convolutional Neural Network

Keith Pyolo L. Bongat, Lovely Anne P. Garcia,Meo Vincent C. Caya

2023 IEEE 5th Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE)(2023)

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Previous research mainly focused on categorizing mushrooms based on their edibility using varying features and non-image data types. Thus, fine-grained classification using deep learning approaches remaius understudied. The present study introduced a fine-grained mushroom classifier that uses a convolutional neural network (CNN). The system identified eight edible mushroom species with a created mushroom dataset comprised of 9,000 images with the developed classification system using transfer learning and k-fold cross-ralidation techniques. Transfer learning involved using pre-eristing CNN modek, such as ResNetRS50 and EfficientNetV2B0 trained on ImageNet, as feature extractors. The k-fold cross-ralidation algorithm determined the optimal candidate model between the two for the mushroom dataset. EfficientNetV2B0 emerged as the most effective model, with a validation accuracy of $90 \%$, thus serving as the basis for the final mushroom classification system. The final classification system demonstrated an average testing accuracy of $92 \%$, proving its ability to identify the most edible mushrooms in the dataset accurately.
fine-grained image classification,comvolutional newral network,transfer learning,K-fold cross-vatidation,machine learning
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